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The major challenge in the prevention and treatment of cancer is in effective delivery and distribution of anti-cancer drugs. While the past decade has seen some improvements in cancer therapeutics, there is still a long road ahead.

With current cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, anti-cancer drugs are delivered randomly into the bloodstream and are designed simply to destroy cells, resulting in damage to surrounding healthy organs and tissue. In addition, the high toxicity of the drugs used cause severe side effects and over time lowers the acquired drug resistance, resulting in diminished efficacy of the therapy, or chemo-resistance.

Astra Logics realized that a better understanding of tumor biology and physiological responses to anti-cancer drugs was needed to improve current therapeutic outcomes and with this in mind, developed an advanced, nanoparticle drug delivery system optimized to treat metastatic tumors, such as Lung Cancer. The significant advantages offered by our technology over current drug delivery methods is the ability to target the delivery of anti-cancer drugs directly to tumour cells, resulting in a faster therapeutic uptake, reduced systemic toxicity and improved efficacy of the treatment.

"If you can improve the drug delivery in cancer, you have a chance to alter the natural course of the disease."

Astra Logics' proprietary technology is optimized to treat a variety of metastatic tumors, such as Lung Cancer, and has significant advantages over current drug delivery methods. Moreover, clinical trials consistently show that our drug delivery technology offers cancer patients a higher safety profile on the drugs being administered when compared with commonly used procedures.

Astra Logics' proprietary drug delivery technology is in the final stages of pre-clinical trials pending regulatory approval and is already being touted as a 'potential super generic' due to its superior effectiveness and pharmacokinetic profile.